Duties of Operations Officer (Aviation Administration)

  1. Performing of administrative and regulatory duties associated with licensing of aerodromes, aviation safety and security, heliport development, environmental management, air services, and air navigation services;
  2. Performing of administrative duties related to international cooperation and training matters;
  3. Provision of technical support to the planning of aviation related facilities;
  4. Inspection and monitoring of flight and ground operations of airline operators; and
  5. Assessment of applications for flight crew licenses and administration of related examinations.

(Note: Post holders may be required to work irregular hours.)

Entry Requirements

Candidates should have -

  • (i) a Bachelor’s degree from a university in Hong Kong, or equivalent, and 4 years’ relevant post-academic experience in aviation; or
    (ii) a Corporate Membership of a recognized professional transport, aeronautical, planning or engineering institution, or equivalent; or
    (iii) 7 years’ relevant experience in aviation, including service with an airline or aviation authority, as an operations officer; or
    (iv) an International Civil Aviation Organization contracting state’s Commercial Pilot’s Licence (CPL) (either in Aeroplane or in Helicopter) with Instrument Rating, 1 year’s commercial transport flying experience after gaining the CPL, and passed the Airline Transport Pilot’s Licence examinations;
  • a pass result in the Aptitude Test in the Common Recruitment Examination (CRE);
  • met the language proficiency requirements of Level 2 result in Use of English paper and Level 1 result in Use of Chinese paper in the CRE, or equivalent; and
  • a pass result in the Basic Law and National Security Law test.


Master Pay Scale Point 27 to Point 44

How to apply

When there are vacancies, recruitment advertisements would be placed in local press, the Government Vacancies Enquiry System at the website of Civil Services Bureau (https://www.csb.gov.hk) and our CAD website (https://www.cad.gov.hk/english/recruitment.html).

Please watch out for such advertisement and submit application according to the procedures as stated therein. Please download the application form GF340 from the following link:
https://www.csb.gov.hk/english/recruit/application/files/GF340.pdf PDF (PDF: 1156KB) and return the completed application form to:

Personnel Registry,
Level 5, Civil Aviation Department Headquarters,
1 Tung Fai Road, Hong Kong International Airport,
Lantau, Hong Kong

Career Path of Operations Officer (Aviation Administration)

 Career Path

Chief Operations Officer (Aviation Administration) (DPS pt. 1)

Senior Operations Officer (Aviation Administration) (MPS pt. 45 - 49)

Operations Officer (Aviation Administration) (MPS pt. 27 - 44)