Safety Culture & Safety Partnership -

Lead by Example (Part 1)

By Strategic Safety Office, Civil Aviation Department

Besides aiming for effective implementation of safety oversight on all functional areas in aviation, CAD also promotes safety culture and encourages our aviation community to take the lead to share safety practices and strengthen partnership.

CAD encourages the industry to participate in industry safety programmes and safety information sharing networks, which is in line with ICAO’s global/regional safety goals. We have invited leaders from different aviation domains to share success. Their stories are covered in Part 1 and Part 2 of Safety Links series featuring safety culture and safety leadership.

Part 1 - Pursuing Safety Improvement through Industry Safety Programme

Hactl is a pioneer in IATA’s ISAGO scheme. This year, they celebrated their 15th anniversary of accreditation with IATA. Their safety leadership and success is a powerful testimonial of positive impact of using global industry safety programmes, which echoes ICAO's goal to encourage industry's participation in industry safety programmes and safety information sharing networks.

With joint supports of IATA, AAHK and CAD, Hactl’s success will reverberate across domains and inspire aviation service providers from different sectors and regions to take proactive steps to participate in relevant industry programmes.