Content in other languages

  • Information Available in Other Languages

The content in other languages version of the Civil Aviation Department website contains selected essential information only.

The full content of our website is available in English, Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese. If you have any suggestions, comments or enquiries about the service of our department, you are welcome to send us emails at We shall provide you with a reply as soon as possible.

Contact Us

Please send your enquiries, suggestions or other matters pertaining to the Civil Aviation Department in one of the following ways:-

Email directly to or

Call us via Telephone Interpretation Service (TELIS) Hotlines of Centre for Harmony and Enhancement of Ethnic Minority Residents (CHEER)

TELIS Hotlines
Bahasa Indonesia 3755 6811
Nepali 3755 6822
Urdu 3755 6833
Punjabi 3755 6844
Tagalog 3755 6855
Thai 3755 6566
Hindi 3755 6877
Vietnamese 3755 6888